Daftar Isi:
- Demam Vs. Viral Fever
- Gejala Demam
- Grafik Suhu Demam
- Kapan Mengunjungi Dokter Anda
- Diagnosa
- Pengobatan Over-The-Counter
- Home Remedies For Fever
- 1. Moringa
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 2. Kudzu Root
- What You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 3. Ginger
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 4. Black Pepper
- You Will Need
- What You Should Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 5. Turmeric Milk
- You Will Need
- What You Should Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 6. Increase Your Fluid Intake
- 7. Get Plenty Of Rest
- 8. Stay Cool
- How Can You Prevent Fever?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 10 sumber
Ini adalah hari yang cerah. Setiap orang tampaknya baik-baik saja melakukan hal mereka sendiri. Tapi tunggu, kenapa kamu tidak merasakan hal yang sama? Tenggorokan Anda terasa gatal, tubuh Anda terasa seperti membawa beban ribuan dunia di bahu Anda, dan Anda merasa sangat dingin, tetapi tubuh Anda terasa hangat. Ini adalah panggilan bangun tubuh Anda kepada Anda untuk tidur dengan sup panas dan mengakhiri hari.
Sambil menunggu janji bertemu dengan dokter Anda, Anda juga bisa mengikuti pengobatan rumahan yang dibahas dalam artikel ini untuk mengatasi demam Anda. Baca terus untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.
Demam Vs. Viral Fever
Demam virus, sebaliknya, disebabkan oleh virus. Seseorang yang mengalami demam virus mengalami batuk, nyeri tubuh, nyeri sendi dan otot, di antara gejala lainnya. Itu berlangsung selama tujuh hingga delapan hari atau lebih.
Sekarang mari kita lihat beberapa perbedaan utama antara demam dan demam virus.
- Demam
Demam biasanya berlangsung kurang dari tujuh hari. Suhu tubuh Anda dapat berfluktuasi antara 98–99 ° F, jika terjadi demam ringan atau ringan.
Beberapa penyebab umum demam adalah:
- Flu
- Sistem kekebalan yang lemah
- Infeksi sinus
- Sakit kepala
- Viral Fever
Virus demam, seperti istilahnya, adalah infeksi virus yang ditularkan melalui kontak langsung dari orang ke orang. Suhu tubuh Anda meningkat hingga 104 ° F, menyebabkan Anda merasa sangat kedinginan.
Beberapa penyebabnya adalah:
- Gigitan
- Cairan tubuh
- Gangguan pencernaan
- Flu biasa
Berikut ini adalah beberapa gejala utama yang berhubungan dengan demam secara umum.
Gejala Demam
- Sakit kepala
- Sakit tubuh
- Sakit tenggorokan
- Dehidrasi
- Merasa kedinginan dan badan menggigil
- Nyeri otot dan persendian
- Kelesuan
- Mimpi nyata dan halusinasi
Anda mungkin menunjukkan tanda-tanda demam yang mungkin merupakan kombinasi dari satu atau lebih gejala di atas.
Di bagian selanjutnya, kita akan membahas cara menentukan apakah Anda menjalankan suhu.
Grafik Suhu Demam
Berikut ini adalah grafik suhu yang dapat membantu Anda menentukan apakah Anda mengalami demam. Jika suhu di atas salah satu dari pembacaan yang disebutkan di bawah ini, itu menunjukkan bahwa Anda demam.
- Bayi: Pada bayi, suhu mulut sekitar 96-98,5 ° F, dan ketiak sekitar 97-99 ° F.
- Anak-anak: Kebanyakan anak memiliki grafik suhu demam standar. Di ketiak, suhunya sekitar 98,6 ° F. Suhu di telinga sekitar 99,6 ° F, sedangkan dahi membaca suhu 99,6 ° F.
- Dewasa: Pembacaan lisan rata-rata orang dewasa adalah 97-99,5 ° F. Suhu ketiak mereka sekitar 95-98,4 ° F.
Jika suhu meningkat melebihi biasanya dan terus berlanjut, inilah saatnya Anda mengunjungi dokter.
Kapan Mengunjungi Dokter Anda
Sebagian besar dari kita pernah mengalami demam atau demam virus lebih dari satu kali dalam hidup kita. Biasanya, suhu batas sekitar 98 ° F. Mengikuti pengobatan ringan dan pengobatan rumahan, seperti tetap terhidrasi, minum jus buah segar, dan penggunaan kompres panas dan dingin, akan menurunkan demam.
Jika tidak ada tanda perbaikan, sangat disarankan untuk mengunjungi dokter selama periode ini. Berikut adalah beberapa gejala yang perlu Anda perhatikan selama Anda harus mengunjungi dokter:
- Nyeri dada
- Sakit kepala parah
- Sering muntah
- Sakit perut
Sekarang mari kita lihat bagaimana demam dapat didiagnosis.
Dokter Anda mungkin mulai dengan menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan berdasarkan gejala yang Anda alami. Mereka mungkin menyarankan pemeriksaan dada disertai dengan tes darah untuk menyingkirkan penyebab yang mengancam jiwa lainnya.
Tergantung pada tingkat keparahan penyakit Anda, Anda akan diberi resep obat oleh dokter Anda.
Pengobatan Over-The-Counter
Jika demam Anda berlangsung lama dan Anda perlu minum obat, di bawah ini adalah beberapa pilihan:
- Acetaminophen, juga dikenal sebagai Tylenol
- Ibuprofen
- Aspirin
We recommend that you only buy medicines that are prescribed by your doctor. You need to be aware of your medication and what it is for. Make sure you read the directions of use and precautions before consuming them.
Home remedies are also a great way to subdue any mild illness, not just fever. Most of these home remedies use natural products that contain active compounds that exhibit medicinal properties. Let us now take a look at a few easy home remedies to manage and treat fever.
Home Remedies For Fever
1. Moringa
Moringa has been widely used in traditional medicine to treat symptoms of fever and flu. It is known to exhibit anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help reduce symptoms of inflammation and fight the microbes responsible for causing fever (1).
You Will Need
- Moringa tea bags
- A cup of boiled water
What You Have To Do
- Take a cup of boiled water.
- Steep a moringa tea bag in it for about 15 minutes.
- Consume while warm.
How Often Should You Do This
You can do this two times a day.
2. Kudzu Root
Kudzu root is derived from the roots of pueraria after it is dried completely.
It possesses antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce fever (2).
What You Will Need
- Kudzu root powder
- Boiled water
What You Have To Do
- Mix one teaspoon of kudzu root powder in a glass of warm water or milk.
- Consume while warm.
How Often Should You Do This
You can take this mixture once a day.
3. Ginger
Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of fever. The bioactive compounds of ginger may also help fight infection and reduce inflammation if you have throat pain (3), (4).
You Will Need
- Ginger
- One glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
- Chop ginger into small pieces.
- Boil the slices of ginger in a pan with water.
- Drink this decoction when it is lukewarm.
How Often Should You Do This
You can have two cups per day.
4. Black Pepper
Black pepper contains bioactive compounds that possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that may reduce symptoms like body aches, joint aches, and headaches associated with fever (5).
You Will Need
- 1/2 teaspoon of crushed black pepper kernel
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 glass of water
What You Should Do
- Boil a glass of water in a pan.
- Add half a teaspoon of crushed black pepper kernel and honey to it.
- Drink when it is lukewarm.
How Often Should You Do This
Have a cup of this every day until the fever subsides.
5. Turmeric Milk
Curcumin is a major component of turmeric. Research shows that it possesses properties that can mitigate any inflammation that may surface with fever or flu. It possesses antipyretic properties that decrease body temperature during fever (6).
You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
- 1 glass of warm milk
What You Should Do
- Boil a glass of milk.
- Add a teaspoon of turmeric and mix well.
- Drink while it is warm.
How Often Should You Do This
Have one cup two times a day.
In addition to these home remedies, making certain simple changes to your everyday lifestyle can help relieve symptoms of fever.
6. Increase Your Fluid Intake
When you have fever, your body tends to get extremely dehydrated. It uses up all the fluids to flush out bacteria from your system. Staying hydrated is necessary, but to feel stronger and less lethargic, having other healthy fluids like fruit juices helps a great deal (7).
Fruit juices and fruits are a great way to boost your energy and fluid intake. You can take about two glasses of fresh fruit juice each day until the fever subsides.
7. Get Plenty Of Rest
Stress could also lead to fever. Fever could also be a wake-up call to get sufficient rest. Adults are constantly on the go, and what they need is adequate rest. This is an easy, yet promising home remedy for fever. Getting adequate rest cures a majority of illnesses, including fever (8).
8. Stay Cool
Since your body runs a high temperature during fever, placing a cold wet cloth over your forehead can help. It brings your body temperature down instantly and alleviate the discomfort that accompanies fever (9), (10).
A cold compress can be used as and when your body temperature rises during the day due to fever. It will bring down your body temperature instantly.
These are a few tried and tested remedies that you can follow from the comfort of your home. You could try either one or a combination of these remedies to obtain the best results. You may now want to know how to prevent yourself from falling sick in the first place. Read on to find out more.
How Can You Prevent Fever?
It does not take much to prevent yourself from catching fever or cold. If good personal hygiene is followed, you can save yourself the trouble and pain of falling sick. Listed below are some of the tips to keep fever at bay:
- Drink plenty of water and other fluids. This keeps you hydrated and aids in flushing out harmful bacteria.
- Sufficient rest is another key factor that prevents fever. A good night’s sleep and a healthy diet do more good to the body than you can imagine.
- We suggest over-the-counter medication if the fever persists. Do remember to consult your doctor.
We hope that you benefit from these remedies and recover soon. However, if you think that your fever has lasted too long, you must consult your doctor and seek medical treatment.
Try these remedies and share your feedback by leaving a comment in the box below.
Adding question and answers for articles
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have tea when I am down with fever?
Green tea and ginger tea are two of the most efficient remedies to reduce fever (or even a cold). They can help promote faster recovery.
Is it good to sweat when you’re down with fever?
When you have fever, your body temperature fluctuates. In order to regulate body temperature, your brain sends a message to the sweat glands to release body heat in the form of sweat. Therefore, it is good to sweat when you have fever.
Can allergies cause fever?
It is easy to mistake symptoms of allergy for fever. Allergies may cause flu, rashes, or other skin conditions, but they most likely do not cause fever.
Can a sinus infection cause fever?
Sinus adalah infeksi bakteri yang menyebabkan flu, sakit kepala, dan pilek. Dimungkinkan untuk mengalami demam ringan selama periode ini.
10 sumber
Stylecraze memiliki panduan sumber yang ketat dan bergantung pada studi peer-review, lembaga penelitian akademis, dan asosiasi medis. Kami menghindari penggunaan referensi tersier. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana kami memastikan konten kami akurat dan terkini dengan membaca kebijakan editorial kami.- Komponen Bioaktif dalam Daun Moringa Oleifera Melindungi dari Penyakit Kronis, MDPI, Perpustakaan Kedokteran Nasional AS, Institut Kesehatan Nasional.
- Kudzu root: traditional uses and potential medicinal benefits in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Ginger in Health and Physical Activity, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Active ingredients of ginger as potential candidates in the prevention and treatment of diseases via modulation of biological activities, International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Preventive Effects of Curcumin, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Water, Hydration and Health, Nutrition Reviews, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Sleep and immune function, Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Physical methods for the treatment of fever in critically ill patients, Journal of School of Nursing USP, ResearchGate.
- Comparison of Cold Water Sponging and Acetaminophen in Control of Fever, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.